Greenmatter: Revenge of the Maeville Ghost Page 8
I ground me teeth and said, “There with Craft. It’s over Harvie. You and everyone associate with Craft are going away for good,” and continued to bandage Parson.
“So, it’s just you here then?” Harvie asked thoughtfully.
The way Harvie asked that, made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The Hood and Barker were in the other building, and now I was alone with Harvie. But that also meant he was alone with me. No armed men to cover him this time.
Parson looked pale, but he seemed to know what I was thinking. “I’ll be fine. Get the cop killer,” He said weakly. I finished bandaging Parson, then stood up from behind the machine to face Harvie.
Harvie was standing on the catwalk with a rifle in one hand and a bourbon in the other. He looked down at me with a neutral expression, but I could see the hate in his eyes.
I returned his glare and said, “That’s right. Just you and me.”
Harvie smiled and said, “Good. I’ll be in my office.” He downed his drink, turned, and walked out of sight into the glass office space above.
Fire coursed through my body. Now was my chance, I was going to make Harvie pay for what he did to Michell.
I strode across the lab, to the elevator on the opposite wall, and jabbed my finger into the button.
The elevator door opened immediately, with a musical chime.
I stepped inside and pressed the button for the next floor, taking a deep breath. I needed to concentrate. Harvie was dangerous and I wasn’t one hundred percent.
The elevator doors opened and chimed again, I stepped out cautiously.
The office space was dark, but not completely black. It was eerily quiet. Lights from computers and a glow from an office down the hall, lit the room. There were walls of glass separating the little offices. Some of the glass had molecules and formulae writing on them in marker.
I moved slowly towards the lit office, careful not to make any noise that would give away my position.
As I got closer to the office, I could see that the light coming from the office was only escaping through the door. The blinds on the glass walls of the office were all pulled down.
I pulled the office door open and raised my hand, ready to strike.
“Shit,” I breathed.
Harvie wasn’t inside. The office was empty.
“You didn’t think I’d actually be in there?” Harvie asked from behind me.
I spun around but couldn’t see anything. After looking into the bright office, my eyes needed a second to adjust to the darkness again.
Something spherical flew at me before I could react and slapped against my cheek as I tried to turn away.
The sphere was soft but thin like a water balloon. It broke against my face after the impact, releasing a liquid that soaked my face and chest.
I gasped from the sensation and immediately attempted to wipe the liquid away from my eyes with my wrist.
The liquid smelled sharp and to my surprise was evaporating already. Clouds of white vapour flowed up from the liquid. In a matter of seconds, the liquid had disappeared, and the vapours dissipated into the air.
“What was-,” I tried asking, but Harvie’s fist arched down from above and smashed into my face. I dropped to my hands and knees from the impact.
“You just couldn’t stay out of my business, could you?” Harvie snarled as his foot struck into my stomach.
The breath flew from my lungs, forcing a chocked scream from me. I curled in over my stomach trying to protect it from another blow.
Harvie’s hand grabbed me by the hair and pulled.
My hands flew up to hold onto Harvie’s wrist to lessen the pain on my scalp.
Harvie brought me standing, let go, and struck me in the face again. The impact spun me and sent me staggering away. “You had plenty of chance to walk away, to leave me alone, but here you are,” Harvie said. His foot connected with my ass and pushed me to the ground.
I landed on my hands and knees. I started to crawl from Harvie, instinctively trying to put space between me and my attacker.
“That’s right, wiggle that ass for me, whore. Do you wear that costume because you like it, or because you know everyone on the internet jerks off to it?” Harvie asked. His foot kicked hard between my legs.
I screamed. Savage pain flared from my pussy. I dropped to my side and covered my crotch with my hands. The intense pain from my pussy spread to my stomach, making me want to vomit.
Harvie’s face was livid as he walked over me. “What you didn’t like that?” He asked. “With that camel toe between your legs, I thought were displaying it out for me,” he continued.
I grimaced at the pain but watched Harvie as he approached me. The moment he was close enough, I kicked my foot quickly. My wedged heel connecting hard between Harvie’s legs.
Harvie grunted and doubled over, bringing his hand to his crotch. His face went beet red and his hand steadied himself against the glass wall. He looked up at me, he was angry.
“Doesn’t feel so good, does it, perv,” I said through clenched teeth. I winced when I started to get up. My pussy and cheek throbbed with pain. I opened and closed my jaw to make sure it still worked. It hurt but nothing was broken. My legs were slightly bent, while I held my hand over my crotch, but at least I was standing now.
I reached my hand out and tried to concentrate on the floor.
It didn’t work.
My mind was… hazy. I couldn’t focus hard enough to create the image of concrete snaking out of the ground and binding Harvie.
A smile crept over Harvie’s face. “You can’t do it, can you?” he asked as he started to stand upright again.
I closed my eyes and tilted my head, trying to focus harder. It was a strange sensation. Every time I came close to getting it, the image slipped away, and I had to start over. Something was wrong.
I heard Harvie laugh.
I opened my eyes and saw Harvie walking towards me. My heart was starting to beat faster. I stepped back with my hand outstretched and said, “Stay back.”
“Or what? Your going hurt me?” Harvie asked coldly. He spread his arms out with his hands open and said, “Go on then, do it.”
I kept retreating from Harvie trying to grasp any form of my ability. Harvie’s increasingly smug look made me start to panic. I cold realization crept over my thoughts. He did this. “What did you do to me?” I asked, fear lacing my voice.
“While you had me locked away, I kept going over our encounter at the bank, trying to figure out what I did wrong. That’s when I remembered you said that you were stalling for time too. So, I asked myself, what would a girl who could shape the very fabric of our reality need to stall for?” Harvie said then started to walk faster.
I kept trying to move back until my heel caught the carpet and I fell back. I landed on my ass hard and started crawling backwards from Harvie.
Harvie closed the distance. His arm reeled back, telegraphing his punch.
“Wait,” I shouted as I brought my hands up to block Harvie. His other hand grabbed my wrists and pulled them to the side, clearing the way for his strike. His fist struck hard. My head whipped back, and I fell flat on my back, stunned.
Harvie grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the ground. “At first, I thought it was your hands and how you move them,” he said. He grabbed my shoulder and punched me in the stomach.
“Ahhack,” I wheezed.
“But after watching clips of you on the net, I realized you don’t always use your hands,” Harvie said, then punched me in the stomach again.
I doubled over Harvie’s fist and coughed.
Harvie grabbed both my shoulders and said, “You use your mind,” then brought his knee into my crotch.
“Ahhhahhh!” I screamed. Once again, a flare of fiery pain exploded through my sensitive pussy. I wanted to curl up over the pain and fall to the floor, but Harvie’s hands held my shoulder’s firm, until one of them reach down.
Harvie’s hand grabbed my ach
ing pussy and squeezed.
I gasped in shock at the increased agony. My hands grabbed onto Harvie’s arms, desperately trying to pull his hand away from me. “Please, no more,” I begged.
Harvie squeezed harder and smiled. “Oh, were just getting started, Greenmatter,” he said cheerfully. He pulled up on pussy, lifting me over his head, then threw me.
I yelped and collided with one of the glass walls, crashing through it. I landed hard on a desk, slid off it, then slammed against a filing cabinet.
Everything hurt and I could feel cuts across my body from the glass. I coughed, then slowly rolled onto my hands and knees.
Looking down at myself, I could see several tears in my costume. The original slash across my right thigh had opened to expose my entire thigh from hip to knee. My suit around my left calf was also torn clean off. The material that had covered my arm was missing up to my left elbow. Finally, small tears across my torso revealed my belly, part of left breast, and shoulder.
I heard Harvie’s boot crunch over bits of glass on the floor as he neared me.
“Once I figured out that you control your power with your mind-,” Harvie said, then pushed the desk between us out of the way and continued, “-I started looking for ways to disable it.”
I started to get up, but Harvie quickly kicked me in the stomach again. I yelped and curled in a fetal position over my vulnerable midsection. I looked up at Harvie and saw the smile on his face. The bastard was enjoying this. That scared me. Without my ability I was defenceless. My ability was just as much apart of me as my arm. I’ve never prepared for a situation where I’d be without it, I didn’t think I’d have too. I may not have any self-defence training, but I’ve seen movies and I’ve already got lucky once. As fast as I could, I kicked my right foot out at Harvie.
Mid-kick, Harvie stepped back and grabbed my ankle. “Not this time,” he said, then punched down on my thigh with his other hand.
It was like a lightening bolt had struck my leg. I screamed and grabbed my thigh in reaction.
Harvie yanked my leg hard, causing me to let go of my thigh and fall onto my back. He turned around and started walking out of the office, dragging me with him by the leg. “I figured, all I needed to do was club you in the head to disable your power. Granted, I also saw firsthand how fast you were with that power. You could have one of those walls up before anyone even got close,” he said, continuing with his earlier monologue.
I flipped onto my stomach and reached for the desk leg as I passed it. I got a hold of it and pulled, stopping Harvie’s advance.
Harvie made an annoyed huff and yanked.
The desk slid across the floor with me until my grip slipped from it. I let out a frustrated cry and tried to grab onto something else. I started trying to grab at staplers, pens, pencils, cups, anything I could use as a weapon against Harvie. It was useless, the angles were too awkward, and he was dragging me too fast. As I pass the doorframe, I tried to grab that too and I almost had it, but it too slipped from my grasp.
Harvie continued conversationally, “I knew I could only disable you by surprise. I doubted I could get close to you, so I got the eggheads downstairs to cook me up a sedative that would mess with a person’s head. Lucky me, they already had a potent one in testing. Next, I needed to get it to you. Dart guns were my first choice, but they made noise and you might be fast enough to react. Then I came across the balloons. The balloons looked weird but unlike dart guns or paintballs, they were silent.”
I rolled onto my back as I slid across the floor and tried kicking Harvie’s hand with my other heel. I failed a couple times but got him hard on the thumb the third time, making his hand loosen on my ankle and slip to my foot before his grip retightened.
Harvie growled in discomfort, yanked me again.
With my costume torn around my calf, my wedged heel wasn’t connected to it anymore. As Harvie pulled, my shoe slipped off my foot, leaving it bare.
Harvie spun around. He looked to my shoe in his hand and threw it down.
For a moment, our eyes locked and neither of us moved, but that didn’t last long.
I rolled over, got up, and ran. It was awkward running with only one heel, but I wasn’t going to let that slow me down. This was my chance to get away.
“I’m not done with you yet!” Harvie snarled after me. The sound of his boots hitting the floor behind me, alerted me of his gaining speed.
I sprinted for the elevator. When I got there, I punched the call button with the side of my hand. “Come on,” I breathed in panic.
Agonizingly slow, the elevator doors opened with that annoying chime. The sound was almost mocking, like it took pleasure in how slow it opened.
I stepped into the elevator and Harvie’s arms wrapped around my waist. “No!” I screamed.
Harvie pulled me out of the elevator and spun, throwing me into one of the desks.
I landed hard against the desk’s side and immediately standard getting back up to run.
Harvie dove for me and got his hand around my ankle again.
I tripped forward. Rolling onto my back, I kicked at Harvie’s face with my remaining heel and yelled, “Let me go!”
Harvie flinched from the blow and swore. “Bitch,” He hissed, then quickly looked back to me again. He pinned my foot down to stop my kicking and started crawled up my leg until he was level with me. Straddling over my stomach, he struck my face repeatedly with his fists, each strike sending my head side to side.
Flashes of large white stars exploded in my vision with each punch. I tried to get my hand up to shield my face from Harvie, but without being able to see him, he just punched wherever my hands weren’t.
Finally, the punching stopped.
My head rolled back, and I groaned. Everything in the room was spinning. I knew I had to get away, but my body was limp. I think I moved me leg but wasn’t sure.
Harvie breathed heavily over me. After a moment Harvie said between breaths, “You know, you never did tell me, how you got into that costume.” His breathing started to slow down. His hand moved down my arm, then up my flank and to left breast. He squeezed, then his finger stroked over my nipple through the smooth material of my costume. “But I’ll settle with finding out how to get you out of it,” Harvie added.
He wouldn’t. Fear of what Harvie might do made me panic. I started to push at Harvie, but my arms, although working, were still lethargic and weak. I tried to concentrate on my ability, but it was still beyond my reach. I couldn’t stop him. “Please don’t do this,” I groaned.
Harvie’s other hand grabbed my right breast as he continued to grope me through my costume. “For weeks, I’ve been waiting for the day I got to put you in your place. I dreamed of it. You did this to yourself by coming here. I even gave you opportunities to walk away, to just let me be. Yet, here you are,” he said. He put his hand in the tear over my right breast.
I shuttered at the sensation of Harvie’s hand on my bare skin. “No,” I begged while weakly grabbing Harvie’s wrist.
“You came to me,” Harvie said, then pulled.
My costume stretched for a few inches before tearing under the tension. The sound of the material ripping filled my ears and the sensation of cool air brushed over my breast. I looked away from Harvie as tears streamed from my eyes.
How could this be happening?
Harvie grabbed my exposed breast and began kneading and fondled me, testing the firmness of my breast in his hand.
I let out a small cry when I felt Harvie cock begin to stiffen against my stomach.
Harvie made a hungry growl in his throat, then his other hand grabbed the edge of my costume over my other breast and tore.
I began trembling. My breaths became shallow and shaky. I was terrified.
After a minute of groping me, Harvie stood up.
I covered my breasts and sobbed. A ray of desperate hope shown over me as I hoped the abuse was over, but it wasn’t.
Harvie grabbed my hair and pulled me in
to a kneeling position then said, “Undo my pants.”
I shook my head and pleaded, “No. Don’t do this, please.”
Harvie slapped me hard on the cheek and snarled, “Do it!”
I cried out in pain. I just wanted this to be over. Harvie already beat me. Wasn’t that enough? I continued to shake my head and tried to push away from him. “Please, you won. Don’t do this,” I begged.
Harvie closed his hand hard around my throat and leaned his face close to mine. He pulled a knife from his belt and brought it close to my cheek and said, “You came to me. You lost. Now, take off my fucking pants, or I’ll cut up that pretty face so badly you’ll need to wear a mask for the rest of your life.”
I looked to Harvie’s feet; I couldn’t look into his eyes.
Harvie tilted my head to force me to face him, the slapped me two more times. “You understand me?”
Tears rushed down my mask as I squeezed my eyes closed. I nodded.
“Do it then,” Harvie said, releasing my throat.
I opened my eyes and brought my trembling hands to Harvie’s belt and began undoing it.
Harvie’s erection pressed hard against his pants and twitched when the belt came undone.
I took a deep breath trying to steady my shaking hands, while I pulled the zipper down Harvie’s pants. I then grabbed the waist around his pants and pulled them down to his knees.
Harvie’s erection grew without the restriction of his pants and his boxers tented away from his body.
I grabbed the boxers and pulled them down slowly, procrastinating the reveal of what hid underneath. Harvie’s manhood sprang free of his boxers just before I finished. I grimaced at the sight of Harvie cock and brought the boxers down the rest of the way.
“You know what to do with that,” Harvie said from above me.
I looked up to Harvie hoping I had the wrong impression, but he just looked down at me and raised the knife threateningly. I looked away from him again and nodded solemnly. I grabbed Harvie’s hips and slowly brought my mouth to his manhood and opened my mouth.
Harvie grew impatient with my speed and brought his hand behind my head. His fingers combed through my hair and his hand rested against the base of my head. He then pushed my mouth over his cock.